3300. Some Imagination May Suit Our Students!

Lately what follows happens to me. Although I have some look at the general syllabus planning, also I tend to think of the main core point for each class-group. This is, I think of the main single goal for my dear students. It’s the only-one-goal theory. Thus for a class-group the main goal may be just they must talk, talk, talk in English; for another to have them in my pocket; or for a third one some grammar would be fine with them, either high-leveled grammar, like C1 or maybe B1 grammar stuff. That grammar will help them give more messages in English. And so forth. Every single day I think of a single goal for those nice people. And the thing works and they’re satisfied and content and happy, for nice rapport in the classroom is of a grand importance. Well, you know, currently I teach adult learners, but the same theory would match kids’ learning. And concerning the general program or syllabus and as I said I have some peek at that wide general planning and extr...