834. Can I really learn that foreign language?

I think the texts I chose for a paper by me, which were taken from H. D. Brown, in his 1989’s book, have no spare word, nor have any other texts in this book. This book is a must-read for teachers and learners of English or any other language. I’ve already mentioned the book on past posts: A Practical Guide to Language Learning. A Fifteen-Week Program of Strategies for Success. New York: McGraw-Hill.

As I said on other posts I wrote a paper about this book for a university journal. Today I’m starting to type one text from H. D. Brown about IQ (intelligence quotient) as related to Iearning a language. Some people may ask themselves: ‘Can I with my normal intelligence actually achieve to learn that language? I’m not too smart so as to really learn Spanish, German, Portuguese...' This expert states:

The first piece of good news is that a high IQ, as it’s traditionally measured, isn’t essential for successful foreign language learning. People with average intelligence can be very adept at learning a language, and those with exceptionally high IQ can be miserable failures. (Page 47).

Oncoming days, maybe one else, I expect to give you the rest of the text. Thank you for checking out my blog. / Photo from: confidence building. Daad program canada ca. Daad stands for Deutscher akademischer Austausch Dienst (German Academic Exchange Service).


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