285. Communication unites people

Next day teacher B said to teacher A, “Yesterday I told you I had achieved to make my students talk in English, remember? I made an interview to one student of my class-group. Today I wanted to also tell you some other questions that provoked, or boosted that speaking. I asked the interviewed kid how long he had been a socio (a member, or how to say in English, I just mean a student whose family paid some fare every month); and I also utilized mimicry with this very question, and synonym expressions. And another question I gave more relevance to was what activity he, or they, would like to do, one activity ‘you don’t have now in Alayos’, adding some nodding to make me understood – I referred to excursions, or games, or educative activities, or practicing a new sport. Oh, just a bit more: I told them this interview ‘would be’ published in the weekly newsletter of Alayos center – They actually did know this was not true, simply a ‘mock interview’ – Every week one socio is interviewed about his likes, dislikes, wishes, anecdotes, cute or funny or silly questions, etc., in Spanish.”

Picture from ecol org uk, Skinningrove School.


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