2719. We Are Near Christmas ...

Whatever we teachers do for our students is not lost, never lost, as if we talked with the wall. 

All remains. Now soon or farther that action or that small discourse will yield fruit, even more if we carry out things with love to God. 

All one person does for God and for his love stays. Nothing is lost. 

We human people can encounter Him at any time; I would say everybody finds him somehow, or deeply and profoundly and for long. It’s something sweet. 

We’re living in Year of Mercy, proclaimed by Pope Francis, and we can count with Someone who loves us limitless. 

We can act as the prodigal son in Jesus Christ’s parable, to be found in Saint Luke’s gospel, in chapter 15, 11-32. Reading it with an open mind is even relaxing, and compels me to ask God for forgiveness. / Photo from: walking-the-dog-three-common-challenges-you-might-encounter www pets4homes co uk. This picture is just an illustration


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