2904. How to Start Creative Classes
private-tuition teacher should realize about his student’s problems at the
school subject of English, if the case.
When a few classes have been taught or
held, the attentive teacher will learn what’s occurring to his student. Often
the student doesn’t know how to face up with the textbook, and eventually and
as a result he cannot make good use of his book for instance to learn grammar.
He cannot study the grammar boxes, and the teacher will help him learn how to
study them, and learn from them subsequently.
The sentence examples the teacher
will give him should be part of his student’s life and likes: a sentence with a
meaningful content can get the student to realize that he can use that grammar
for everyday life situations.
His teacher will let him study on his own, little
by little, so that the student can study and use his memory autonomously.
Private tuition is like crutches: the student needs them to walk but his
teacher will teach him to walk without them, so in his own, being autonomous.
As well the teacher will learn points about his student’s other school
subjects, like exams, in order to ask him at the following private tuition
class about those exams. The teacher will be really interested in his student’s
points concerning studies and everyday life. / Photo from: what_is_creative_teaching neatoday org