3641. What to Have if You Want to Learn a Language
I wish my students would learn and acquire English, and you also wish that from your students as a teacher. You know, those learners must be willing to learn that language, no matter their age, yet above all if they are kids from some ten years of age – before that age they are pretty naturally willing to learn. Of course they must be that willing if they’re teens or adults. Only that way can they learn and acquire the foreign or second language. The more willing they are, the more language they’ll learn and acquire. And learning and acquiring a language is not just attending some classes and just sitting there and just see what the teacher does. You don’t learn English that way at all. It entails your whole self. It’s not just sitting and listening to some audio. It’s not like learning math or history – and in no way do I despise those subjects. It’s what scholar and expert H. D. Brown used to say: you must involve your whole self: physical, emotional, me...