3645. How to Build Up Practical Tests and Exams
It seems that a communicative approach to teaching/learning a second or foreign language may be the best, and actually most teachers apply it in the classroom. Thus the learners would learn and acquire that language by communicating in the target tongue, and also they would learn that language in order to communicate both in and out of the classroom. As well their dear teacher would not confine the classes to giving language facts but to communication (plus language facts, if you wish, of course - they are necessary). Okay. However, that teacher cannot confine the tests and exams to measure grammar learning and other language facts. If the classes were communication, the stuff measured at those tests and exams has to be also communicative. A few questions can be devoted to grammar, anyway, but also in accordance to what already done in class. The students shouldn’t encounter questions in the tests which they haven’t been trained for. Othe...