3673. Learning to Learn in the Classroom
Is motivation in the classroom important for our students? Yep, it is indeed, but there are other crucial factors, as you may know. For sure the lesson cannot be boring and our students would get drowsy like sheep, but also we have to consider other points so as to have efficient lessons. I say it because when a student – either a kid or an adult – gets so involved and plunged into learning about some issue, well then that student may become an expert at that topic, and for him or her it may be that interesting. I think we have to help our dear students create and make up working habits. Then, it’s more likely they will like the school subject we teach. Schools are not amusement parks, as Spanish teacher, philosopher and pedagogue Gregorio Luri puts. Our subject and its presentation in class must be interesting, competent, and professional, yet we ought not to seek motivation as the most important point in class. I have met teachers that with t...