439. Understand the messages!

One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “Stevick, in his book published in 1989, about learners of languages who had success, writes about intuition when understanding a new language.

Intuition is very helpful and it’s a process every learner utilizes in order to understand both oral and written language. A learner uses some intuition when for example listening to two native speakers. The learner recognizes some already learned words and expressions, and he or she also utilizes action, gestures, facial expressions, movements, intonation, body language, and in this way he or she may either understand words in L2, or the bulk of the conversation.

I personally think the learner more likely grasps words or sentences, and then, constructs the gist of the conversation. Think of a movie for example, where the characters use all those factors of communication. Tell your students about intuition, so as each of them would become more aware of his or her learning style.

Oh, and if in the classroom you play the same scene they’ll understand more and more, and they will become more motivated.” / Photo: chief-ten-bears blogspot com


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