453. Two Chinese girls in Baile Átha Cliath

Iba a escribirle a usted en inglés, Revangel, pero he estado echando un vistazo a información suya y veo que su blog está en castellano. Muy bienvenida. Adelante con la cocina y enseñar a otros a cocinar. Gracias por su amabilidad de “apuntarse” a nuestro blog. Veo también que vive en Granada, no está mal. Esperamos sus valiosos comentarios, sobre lo que desee.

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “So, my goal in the class is communication between, among people. I wish my students would say something, something meaningful, and I respond, and the other way round. The process along a term for example: from just words we proceed into messages or sentences, and later, conversations. Ok, but what about grammar accuracy? Sometimes I correct only one mistake or error, and the kid instantly repeats the correct word, while nodding. I also use the grammar they are learning in their schools. How to teach verbal tenses? You can have a peek at one of the following posts. Or some of them. Or all of them. Sorry for the long list: 105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 117, 119. I learned this methodology from Mrs. M.J.A.” / Photo: Two Chinese students at Trinity College, my loved Dublin.


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