1960. Deepening into the necessary self-esteem

Self-esteem is necessary. 

However some people confuse the virtue and value of humility with despising themselves and not valuing their talents. 

You shouldn’t despise yourself, because you have some or many valuable talents to exploit, even more than what you think. 

In these cases both parents and teachers can be so useful. The point is to make the kid think about the goods things he has, thanks to God. 

For example, having him write the good values and virtues he has, and we perhaps might add some. 

Let’s teachers not to humiliate and despise any student in public. When you teacher are with your student by yourselves, then, you can make nice corrections, nice but serious – help him specify what goals to reach, like for example thinking of a small goal to reach in a week. / Photo from: www elmundo es. un submarino que busca Titanic


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