
Showing posts from September, 2010

459. He is trying hard

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “Whenever I prepare a student to pass an exam by means of private classes, I try to help him be in good spirits right before the exam day. In the private classes we two have worked together, in an intensive period. I have made him work hard, study at home every day – the classes, albeit had every day, are not enough -, find and reinforce his personal strategies, give a meaningful view to the sentences we have practiced in drills and ‘fill out the blank’. He has made progress and I have made him see so. I recognize his correct answers to exercises, though they are small things. I never tell him the answers: I let him think and think. He actually sees his progress, and also sees the fact that he has worked hard, building up a demanding approach to learning English. I plan every class, and he sees his teacher is also trying hard. As a result he goes to the school to face the exam in good spirits, bearing in mind all the effort inv...

458. Linking our classes to everyday life

One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “Teaching, learning, communicating, as you know, must be something linked to our surroundings. I’d tell you something to help you link the contents of your classes to their actual lives. These are my findings. Utilize realia up to the age of 9: real food, real cutlery, to simulate having a meal at a restaurant, in a simple role-play, etc. Do not utilize visual aids any longer when they have reached 14, for they may sense they’re being treated like children. The students can understand and manage abstract concepts like the subject and the verb when they are 11. Well, I’d stop here, you know. I hope this can be useful. The ages I talked about are not iron limits, and those ages were referred to boys. A teacher that teaches girls also can figure out similar ideas, no problem, I guess. Oh, yes, I know you have not much extra time to plan your classes nevertheless...” / Photo from: Arizona Cooking book www arizonagift com

457. Studying calmly is necessary to learn

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “Assigning homework? Look: the more time the students dedicate to learn English, the more they will become capable of communicating in English. It’s convenient they should dedicate some time to studying and doing exercises from the text book. In this way they can revise what learned and practiced in the classroom. Thus they will make up a tank with grammar and vocabulary, necessary for communication on the following day in the classroom. Tentatively they are easier and calmer at home to study, to focus, to discover things, to write sentences, to read a text, and consequently to interiorize that grammar pattern. Drills are good practice at home, but try and set something more communicative. Or even teach them – yes, this is better - how to see ‘real’ people and ‘real situations’ on every sentence of a drill exercise. They can imagine the scene: who is speaking to who, etc.” / Photo from: student-library www ctl mnscu edu

456. My apologies

If it is the case, I apologize, Lauren, for anything wrong I might have said or done. I keep at your disposal.

455. Wow!

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “Children become adolescents when they realize that they can think with their own ideas and views. They start to have intimacy. This period of life is one of great ideals, about themselves and about the surrounding world. You, as an educator, bearing in mind their parents are their first educators, can help out these adolescents a lot. Therefore this is a period when the adolescent is growing inside to become also capable to devote to a ‘you’, in a near future, in a total way, for all the life.” / Photo from: www hometownannapolis com

454. Our reason for carrying on our job: them!

Ms. Revangel, I just had a look at Georgina H.’s blog, and I saw you also write and teach English. Thank you for mentioning you were going to have a look at my blog. Your comments, if you wish any, will be welcome, like I said on post # 453. / Photo from: Schools India Nursing school at Muttuchira Kerala www schools-in-india com

453. Two Chinese girls in Baile Átha Cliath

Iba a escribirle a usted en inglés, Revangel, pero he estado echando un vistazo a información suya y veo que su blog está en castellano. Muy bienvenida. Adelante con la cocina y enseñar a otros a cocinar. Gracias por su amabilidad de “apuntarse” a nuestro blog. Veo también que vive en Granada, no está mal. Esperamos sus valiosos comentarios, sobre lo que desee. One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “So, my goal in the class is communication between, among people. I wish my students would say something, something meaningful, and I respond, and the other way round. The process along a term for example: from just words we proceed into messages or sentences, and later, conversations. Ok, but what about grammar accuracy? Sometimes I correct only one mistake or error, and the kid instantly repeats the correct word, while nodding. I also use the grammar they are learning in their schools. How to teach verbal tenses? You can have a peek at one of the following posts. Or so...

452. Understanding people from everywhere

One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “In order to communicate in English the learner must create a tank of grammar and vocabulary, like a frame which he or she becomes capable to say something with. One simple activity, especially for children, but likely to be modified to older teens. You write one sentence on the board, you know, subject, verbal tense, complements. One student reads the sentence aloud. Another students does the same. All the students repeat the sentence as a chorus, a couple times. Oh, before the activity, ask them whether they understand the sentence; but stop the kid who starts to translate it into L1: make them understand and think in English.” / Photo from: south_east_asia_map1 schampavie files wordpress com

451. How's feeling your cousin, honey?

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “I know you are worried about your adolescent children Martha and Louie, and you think of this, you think of that, you read the experts… That’s okay. But, ‘forget’ about the education... and love your wife. Take care of loving her, of listening to what she’s worried about. Your children do need you both. They need you two communicate with each other. It’s crucial you every day fall in love with her, although you two are becoming not that young. Look, do this: She doesn’t expect it: Take her out to have dinner together; also ask her about what she told you some days ago... you remember? Maybe you forgot it... She told you her cousin Mabel was being observed by the docs because she might have something wrong in her brain, something small yet.” / Photo from: www women2 org

450. Can you make out what he's doing?

Welcome, Lauren, to my blog, or our blog, because some people follow this small site. Thank you. Tell us about you, or not at all, or show us something about your research, or tell us a joke, or just say nothing, or something for us to get acquainted with you, or enjoy the pictures... Feel free, and welcome, again. Now: This is a worksheet I composed for an adult student of mine. I hope it be any useful. / sioux-tipi www sonofthesouth net Worksheet nº 99 Composed on 21 April 2010 (BrE) Do or make ? Writing and speaking in English ................... a difference. That native teacher will ........................ interviews with each student, while the other teachers will be teaching in their classrooms. And every pupil will ........................ a small job, like rubbing the blackboard, or turning off the fans after the classes. In the afternoons of the camp of English the kids will .................... other activities like sports, visiting and assisting in an elderly residence....

449. They became aces. Why not your student?

I was about publishing a post I had composed for today, but I think it’s better to publish a comment Annie has sent me (if you don’t mind the publishing of the comment, Annie). Thank you. Open to more comments. I’ve got to try again and visit one of your blogs. Tomorrow you all will have today’s scheduled post, I hope. / On the picture you can see Gonzalo, the guy in the center; he’s a friend of mine; a basketball player). "Wonderful! My favorite teacher was my AP Calculus teacher in highschool... he taught the highest level math available and the lowest. He was a fantastic teacher because he encouraged each one of his students and acknowledged how hard they were working, not just how well they were doing on tests, etc." By Annie on 448. Effort? All the time on 9/17/10

448. Effort? All the time

One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “Recognize the skill or the certain skill your students have to speak in English. Both if they can speak somewhat fluently or just to say something. These students are struggling to speak in English, and you should recognize this effort. This recognizing by you will enforce their confidence, and it’s something very motivating, no doubt. Show your approval. In this way you will also bring out the best stuff from these students, each one’s best capability to learn.” / Photo from: flathead-track-high-jump-leap natechute wordpress com

447. A realistic worker

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “I’ve met a lot of adult people that would like to learn English as something definite, not just as something ethereal. These people, albeit they see the necessity of English today, at last they do nothing. To create a necessity is essential here. Help them out, appoint private classes. A teacher can set realistic steps: the adults need someone who would lead and demand them to carry out a real learning. And with the passing time they’ll become motivated because they’ll like English. Two examples of activities you could set as clear goals for those classes: conversation and the emails you can exchange with each other. So, the key thing: getting tied to a real program, with your help.” / Photo from: talentplus com

446. Stop being rude

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “Your students do not like you being and looking unkind, do not like you despising them, both whenever they do things okay or wrong. And this brings in lack of respect toward you. They expect from you to be sympathetic, kind, nice. Also they expect from you to correct them. When you treat them with cordiality and warmth, you gain them, and it’s more likely there will be discipline in the classroom. Also because you are firm and coherent. They’ll respect you, because you’ll respect them. Politeness is key for an atmosphere of demanding and challenging learning” / Photo from: stop%20sign driverstestingmi com

445. Practicing themselves how to pilot learning a language

One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “You can consult with your students some aspects of the conducting of the class, so as to make them more aware of their work and learning. As well, by doing so you give them responsibility for struggling to carry out an effective learning. However, you still will have the reins of the horse: if you think something should be carried out in a different way than the one they have suggested, you still can tactfully and cordially explain what is better for them. Sometimes they are not realistic. Anyway listen, listen to them, with real concerning. Be authentic. In a few words, help them become more mature.” / Photo from pegoud com

444. Scoring goals without communication!

This post is very useful. It enhances the value of the speaking skill. It was published on Georgina Hudson’s interesting blog. I also write it to reckon sesnsible dianasabaulupasc’s contribution. Thank you, Diana. / Photo from: humanoid-kaist01 mexicohabla com dianasabaulupasc Speaking skills in children Submitted on 12 July, 2010 - 10:18 First of all, I suppose the children are native English speakers so they use the same language at home and at school. I teach English as a foreign language, so in my case it is a little bit more difficult, because children use English just at school or in few circumstances... but anyway... I think, or at least this is one of my strategies, the communication is the most important thing. So it doesn't matter how stupid or childish the conversation is with them, or also it doesn't matter how obvious the answers are, you should keep talking with them, you should enter in their mind and start think...

443. Welcome and thank you!

Welcome, Wojciech – I hope not to have misspelled your name. At your disposal. I’ve got a special love to Poland and her Polish people. You know what? A former student of mine lives in your country. – You are welcome, as I said. / Photo from: josephayi com.

442. First educators... the teachers?

One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “Remember what we two were discussing the other day about? It’s the parents who have to explain human sexuality to their children, and it’s more usual that the dad explains this matter to the son, and the mom to the daughter. Sexuality is not a trivial thing. It’s something so grand to every person. This blog is about teaching/learning English... and education, which are two things actually related and impossible to split apart. Even I’d say that when teaching English you are educating people, and the other way round. Sexuality is within the ample context of human love. I would say the parents should not avoid their children’s questions. Excuse me: our children and adolescents see sex on the street, on the Web, movies, ads, videogames, hear conversations in their gang of friends... Parents should take advantage of the circumstances that help out explaining the enormous value of sexuality: perhaps when watching a movie together,...

441. Welcome

Hello Annie, a big welcome to my blog: I appreciate. You can say whatever message you want to. It’s open to any comment. If you don’t mind and not unpolite, I’d like to get to know your blog, if any. Thanks again. / Photo: JG_SnowyDay_whit www mobot org

440. She grows in the face of challenges

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “In the class I positively needle my students to convey responses. I accept all of the answers. Sometimes I correct mistakes. Sometimes I help such and such kid to make his or her message understandable. I accept anything they say. I think in this way I help them increase their positive self-esteem. They grow in the faces to challenges, and of their capability to learn English. They reckon anything they say is a step forward. It’s crucial for them to believe in his or her own value, his or her value as a singular person. No self-esteem, no learning.” / Photo from: Pupil of a school of Cairo

439. Understand the messages!

One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “Stevick, in his book published in 1989, about learners of languages who had success, writes about intuition when understanding a new language. Intuition is very helpful and it’s a process every learner utilizes in order to understand both oral and written language. A learner uses some intuition when for example listening to two native speakers. The learner recognizes some already learned words and expressions, and he or she also utilizes action, gestures, facial expressions, movements, intonation, body language, and in this way he or she may either understand words in L2, or the bulk of the conversation. I personally think the learner more likely grasps words or sentences, and then, constructs the gist of the conversation. Think of a movie for example, where the characters use all those factors of communication. Tell your students about intuition, so as each of them would become more aware of his or her learning style. Oh, an...

438. Communication is nice

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “To create an effective ambience in the classroom in order to learn English, this atmosphere must be cordial, warmhearted, friendly but not buddy-like, one atmosphere of good rapport but also respect, one of authentic human communication among people, among persons, one atmosphere of demand, of rigorously study of grammar and vocabulary. But please do not make a boring, nonsense class of useless and aimless learning things. You, use that pattern of grammar for a close communication with your students, speaking about what really matters to their lives, and yours alike (up to some extent). And make them (with mistakes, no problem!) use that pattern to communicate their inner opinions. Is there anything more humane?” / Photo from www umich edu

437. You want to achieve your goal?

One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “You speak a lot about learning strategies and many modern ‘methodologies’ as the panacea to learning, and a lot of more things. Wait, wait, wait, you, fellow, keep in mind that your students have got to study. I mean, all that stuff you speak about may be ok, but, please, keep always in mind that the student must sit in her room, study, read and study her course book, understand and fill out the drills of her workbook, pick up the dictionary, write a draft of the grammar pattern, write examples, memorise the irregular verbs. A colleague of ours once told me, ‘The problem about Raúl? Listen, what he must do to pass his exams is to study harder and invest more hours.’ ” / Photo credits: ciclismo-de-montana1 rubencg files wordpress com

436. Other ways of living

Some days ago a post about teaching students of other cultures appeared on the website of British Council – BBC. I wrote the comment below. Photo from: School children at the Kendriva Vidvalava School in Delhi - blog lib umn edu August 26, 2010 “Other cultures” Hello Nik, I appreciate posting this topic. It's something we encounter every day in our classrooms. I live in Granada, southern Spain, and we have more and more children and adolescents from other countries, for example and it is just one example, from Morocco. My experience is nice. Maybe I am a fortunate teacher, but I think the same happens to many more teachers. Perhaps there is some bullying, out of the classroom, but as I say, I see my students together, at the playground, or in excursions to Sierra Nevada. The biggest number of students are from America: Bolivia, Ecuador. At tutorials they do not tell me anything wrong about treatment with other boys. Fortunately they "fight" together in the football s...

435. Impelling creativity

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, "Brainstorming has some very positive aspects. The students, with full freedom, say ideas about a topic, in order to produce original ideas or new solutions. Its aim entails to develop and exercise a creative imagination. The first premise is that if you let your students act as persons, in an informal environment, there exists the chance to find a brilliant idea. This technique stimulates racking one's brains, and makes searching varied ideas something likely probable, and impels to act autonomously, with originality and according to their own personality." I've translated, with minor changes, from José Bernardo Carrasco (2004) Una didáctica para hoy. Cómo enseñar mejor . Madrid: Editorial Rialp. / Photo from tefl fll purdue edu

434. Hey, look!

One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “What’s better, doing the same sequence of activities always in the classes or bringing in variety of activities? When you introduce a positive routine in the classes, the students can know ‘What is next’, and they can focus on that next activity more simply. Anyway, you should give them surprises, activities they don’t expect, they don’t expect from you. Break up the usual thread of the classes. A teacher I know told me his students asked him next to every day, ¿Qué vamos a hacer hoy en clase, don José? ‘What are we going to do today?’ They liked this teacher because the students used to say he surprised them with something new. It’s also true that some routine can bring up order and clarity to the classroom. Whatever you do, I would tell you, should be a challenge to them, that’s clear.” / Photo from Denver Post - colorado images - world cup watching