3510. How to Expand Our Students' Vocabulary: Some Hints
Something which constitutes a big booster to learn a second language is just reading. Well, all four language skills ought to be practiced: listening, speaking, reading and writing. But I can confess you that reading books massively and intensively really helps you learn and acquire that language. One of the books I’m currently reading is Harry Potter, namely the third episode or sequel, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban . I read it also some ten or more years ago, so I know the story. And it is still interesting. I read also for just fun or entertaining. And I do not get too trapped in looking up words I don’t know – I enjoy the reading. As well I’m studying and working on a C1 English textbook and I can assure you also I’m learning quite a lot. C1 is one of the levels of mastering a language: it equals to advanced level, with C2 as the highest level possible. They’re levels at the European framework of reference: A1 and A2 are basic, B1 ...