
Showing posts from September, 2019

3510. How to Expand Our Students' Vocabulary: Some Hints

Something which constitutes a big booster to learn a second language is just reading. Well, all four language skills ought to be practiced: listening, speaking, reading and writing. But I can confess you that reading books massively and intensively really helps you learn and acquire that language.  One of the books I’m currently reading is Harry Potter, namely the third episode or sequel, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban . I read it also some ten or more years ago, so I know the story. And it is still interesting.  I read also for just fun or entertaining.  And I do not get too trapped in looking up words I don’t know – I enjoy the reading.  As well I’m studying and working on a C1 English textbook and I can assure you also I’m learning quite a lot. C1 is one of the levels of mastering a language: it equals to advanced level, with C2 as the highest level possible. They’re levels at the European framework of reference: A1 and A2 are basic, B1 ...

3509. Preparing Our Students for Communication in Today's World

Communication in the classes of a second language is necessary and essential. Of course. But by no means do I say that grammar and memory are not necessary. They are, indeed.  And our young learners, our students, are capable of understanding grammar and of memorizing for example the English irregular verbs.  Grammar is like the skeleton of language and useful for communication in that language. And some sane memorizing new vocabulary words can be a language-learning booster.  Thus both communication and firstly studying grammar and memorizing can be genial path-mates.  I have traveled through grammar and memory in my learning English to achieve some communication for example when right now I’m composing this post.  So let’s dedicate some time to grammar and its memorizing in the classroom. In a sane comprehensive way and combined with communication and practice. And all this in a peaceful and joyful way. Have a nice day. --- In my case, my ...

3508. Several Considerations at the Beginning of the School Year

I have met several teachers along my career as a teacher and have seen that an enthused teacher gets his students enthused over the school subject.  Those teachers plan and program their lessons. And if they’re second language teachers they achieve their students would use and utilize that language. Those teachers’ method may be communicative: the second language is employed as a vehicle for communication in the classroom.  Furthermore the classroom becomes a piece of a country where that tongue is spoken. I have seen it along my career as a teacher.  And if that teacher is not native of the second tongue, he strives to also learn and acquire it.  I knew a teacher with not much time left and he used to just learn one word or a few ones every day, every single day, with perseverance.  How to achieve the students would use the language? For example by means of jigsaw activities or puzzles where some students have an information gap to be fille...

3507. Teaching Students to Work on Their Own

Every teacher, if he or she wants to be a pretty good one, has to learn how to delegate upon their students. Clear enough, let me tell you.  Well, we must know that they can do quite much on their own. For example they have to learn how to read and understand an activity or exercise they are addressed to resolve. We teachers could tell them how to make it… but that way they will not learn and progress.  That is not against often telling them and molding them how to solve those problems or activities, and quite often we’ll have to intervene, but if we do know they already have to make it on their own… let them do it themselves.  Also in that way we’re educating them and moreover they will feel we are willing to educate them: they expect we’re letting them learn and do their business.  At those times we’re spectators of their learning process.  We could help them but… no: let them work on their own, although they might do things rather wrong: ...

3506. Do You Want to Become a Very Very Good Teacher?

Committed and constant teachers hit the jackpot of teaching well. They may be very good teachers.  Those professionals also are continuously open to learn how to be better teachers. They wish to serve the school families and their children alike. They are open to learn new things, because they know they are not perfect.  Thus they turn to reading from books how to become better teachers. They’re open to read books and perhaps also from websites, blogs, and teachers forums. It’s so because they wish to hear from other professionals. They’re prone to trust in and rely on what other teachers say, also on those other teachers’ experiences.  They want to learn from their best colleagues throughout the world. They’re open to receive correction from other colleagues. And they react in a nice way to those corrections ultimately. Maybe at first they feel some harshness when corrected but ultimately they react well.  As well they’re prone to learn from the par...