3535. How Good a Teacher Are You?
You may be confined at home because of the Covid-19. So what? Our minds may be free, anyway. You may be struggling to remotely teach your kids. And you may be wondering about how to become a better teacher. Or a better professional altogether, whatever your profession is. And sometimes you have felt some brilliant ideas came up about how becoming a better professional. But now, right now you don’t feel you were that good professional nor have brilliant ideas. Something which may work and even more concerning intellectual jobs, though it may be worth for any job at all, is what I’m telling you next. At present I’m reading Jean Guitton (1951) Le travail intellectuel . Paris: Editions Montaigne, but in the Spanish edition: El trabajo intelectual (1999) Madrid: Rialp. That author, believe me, is an ace at intellectual working. He puts that we can write down some brief notes when brilliant ideas come up because for example we’re reading a b...