3535. How Good a Teacher Are You?
You may be
confined at home because of the Covid-19. So what? Our minds may be free,
You may be struggling to remotely teach your kids. And you may be wondering
about how to become a better teacher. Or a better professional altogether, whatever
your profession is.
And sometimes you have felt some brilliant ideas came up
about how becoming a better professional. But now, right now you don’t feel you
were that good professional nor have brilliant ideas.
Something which may work
and even more concerning intellectual jobs, though it may be worth for any job
at all, is what I’m telling you next.
At present I’m reading Jean Guitton (1951)
Le travail intellectuel. Paris:
Editions Montaigne, but in the Spanish edition: El trabajo intelectual (1999) Madrid: Rialp.
That author, believe
me, is an ace at intellectual working. He puts that we can write down some
brief notes when brilliant ideas come up because for example we’re reading a brilliant
book or something from another teacher on the Internet.
Eureka! That’s it! That
idea is worth a million! And then I write it down for later considering it.
I personally
do it and the thing has helped me write quite many, many posts from this blog
plus some further ideas for daily teaching. Let’s learn from our fellow workers
and people who have had bright ideas!
Some of the ideas on this very post were
taken from that author and someplace else as well.
For example when writing we
can consider that a bad sentence is worthier than a blank piece of paper. Later
we will work on it furtherly, but the first premise is that something is better
than just nothing.
So we can write ideas, nice experiences, lightning sparks,
some other lights we may have somewhere, anecdotes which illustrate some ideas…
We could have a small notebook for those ideas or we could type them on the
cell phone. Some people have that memo book at the bedside table at night, because
some of those ideas can pop up before we get asleep. As well while strolling,
while reading we could write those memos.
A teacher who does thus may be a
better professional over time. Little by little, brick after brick. A teacher
likewise will reach victory! Thus we may be confined at home but our minds may
be not confined! Have a nice week.