
Showing posts from October, 2020

3560. A Draft of Optimism at Learning a Language or Anything Else!

Many of us wish to learn a language, and we do need this one.  Well, we can read from H. D. Brown (1989) A Practical Guide to Language Learning. A Fifteen-Week Program of Strategies for Success . New York: McGraw-Hill.  I mean, we can turn to colleagues like him, and then learn a lot from them. I said “colleagues” but actually he is a master.  And if you read from that book you will learn that each learner has to find his or her own pathway to success, for each learner has his or her unique way to learn, one in which they come to feel well.  On this post I pick up some ideas from that book, about which I wrote a paper for a college journal some fourteen years ago.  The learner thus has to invest his best. Because learning and acquiring a second or foreign language demands the best from you. If you agree to put all the best, you for sure will attain and achieve to succeed.  Otherwise if the learner sits down in the classroom, in the language classroom, and t...

3559. How Do We Learn a Language or Anything Else? Some Tips for You

Many of us wish and need to learn a language. How to achieve this stupendous goal? By relaxing. We learn when we are relaxed. Also in other circumstances, but better if relaxed for example in classes.  Some sane and healthy tension, however, is necessary. But we have to be somehow and rather relaxed.  I notice that my dear students now are rather relaxed in the classroom, or at least mostly so.  When you’re relaxed, the language input may more easily get stuck in mind. You learn more easily. And of course as well you can subconsciously acquire the language.  Thus there is a nice atmosphere of cooperation in the classroom.  Perhaps in your classroom now there is more tension, but what about trying to get as much as possible that nice and relaxing atmosphere? As much as possible.  Another point that helps both teach and educate your students is love them, with benevolence love, this is, by seeking what is good for them. We have to love our students. With prud...

3558. Learning from the Students: They Can Teach the Teacher

We have begun the lessons. You may know I teach grownups. It’s great. Also I liked teaching kids.  One of the strong points this school year – not the only one – is reading books. Reading books boosts learning and acquiring vocab and grammar, so the language.  One of the group-classes has chosen to read books on their own. The other group-class perhaps will read the same graded reader for all the students. Hopefully we will read more than one reader or unabridged book. Say one per term.  What I mean here is that I want for the students to choose what they discern is better for their learning English. It’s them who have to learn and wish to learn! They’re co-protagonists with the teacher.  I plan each lesson but I take into account what they can do in the class on their own.  For example last Friday two students got knotted and intertwined in a conversation between them – in English. I let them carry on, for the main purpose of lessons is… learning and acquiring ...

3557. On Serving People with Our Jobs

I like to teach, although it demands a lot of commitment. Well, any job exacts commitment.  Every job is some nice service to other people, to society. And exerting and carrying out that job demands not only justice but also charity and love to those people you are serving.  If you are committed, you may catch yourself being happy. As a consequence. I do not work just to be happy: I work for the people I serve; and as a result I will be happy -- that's the way to think, I guess.  Also you may have a transcendent view: I may work for God and for human people.  I as a teacher have to treat nice my students and their families, and everyone else I treat at my daily working.  I said that justice is okay but it’s not enough: treating human people demands treating them as persons they are. And all that has to turn into smiling and politeness and cordiality. Also all that has to be honest, sincere.  Within two days I start lessons proper. I had planned what I’m goi...