3557. On Serving People with Our Jobs
I like to teach, although it demands a lot of commitment. Well, any job exacts commitment.
Every job is some nice service to other people, to society. And exerting and carrying out that job demands not only justice but also charity and love to those people you are serving.
If you are committed, you may catch yourself being happy. As a consequence. I do not work just to be happy: I work for the people I serve; and as a result I will be happy -- that's the way to think, I guess.
Also you may have a transcendent view: I may work for God and for human people.
I as a teacher have to treat nice my students and their families, and everyone else I treat at my daily working.
I said that justice is okay but it’s not enough: treating human people demands treating them as persons they are. And all that has to turn into smiling and politeness and cordiality. Also all that has to be honest, sincere.
Within two days I start lessons proper. I had planned what I’m going to say to my dear students. But today I have thought more deeply that I have to treat those people as they deserve, because they are human persons and they deserve all my respect, love and charity. Any person can think that way. This morning I read an article on all this.
As well I have to address them as intelligent people, also with a biography of their own.
I do not deal with screws but with people – if I dealt with just screws also I would have to work with that benevolence love, because those tiny screws will serve human people...
Last but not least: a few words about euthanasia. In Spain a law could be adopted to permit assisting dying.
Man does not have life and death in his hand: only God can decide about the end of someone’s life. And He is our Father, who wishes the best to us. All of us may know people who suffer, perhaps too much. We have to take care of those persons, beginning with their families.
Palliative care must be given to terminally ill persons. And medicine has to keep being better and better.
In other words, I am absolutely in favor of life. And we have to understand those people, but we may not kill them. That’s it. Also because if we pass the red line, we will apply euthanasia to less and less serious illnesses.
And we may be scared to enter a hospital as ill persons: the doctors could finish our lives.
In few words and positive ones: I am in favor of life. Last summer I meditated on all this issue for long and read a book on that: awesome! Have a nice week.