3559. How Do We Learn a Language or Anything Else? Some Tips for You

Many of us wish and need to learn a language. How to achieve this stupendous goal? By relaxing. We learn when we are relaxed. Also in other circumstances, but better if relaxed for example in classes. 

Some sane and healthy tension, however, is necessary. But we have to be somehow and rather relaxed. 

I notice that my dear students now are rather relaxed in the classroom, or at least mostly so. 

When you’re relaxed, the language input may more easily get stuck in mind. You learn more easily. And of course as well you can subconsciously acquire the language. 

Thus there is a nice atmosphere of cooperation in the classroom. 

Perhaps in your classroom now there is more tension, but what about trying to get as much as possible that nice and relaxing atmosphere? As much as possible. 

Another point that helps both teach and educate your students is love them, with benevolence love, this is, by seeking what is good for them. We have to love our students. With prudence, with prudence I insist. 

A person lets be educated by the person, the teacher that loves that person, that student. 

And secondarily in that way you will feel better, both in the classroom – or online – and in the rest of your private life. 

Also in that way you can solve daily problems more easily. Also thus if we – transcendent beings – count on God’s help. 

So let’s be relaxed: a couple days ago or so I saw a video on YouTube where the speaker said that the first premise to learn a language – and he knew quite some of them – is being relaxed. Have a nice week.


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