
Showing posts from December, 2017

3311. Do You Like to Read?

  I can tell you about my own experience at learning vocabulary and grammar by reading a novel in English, my students’ and my target language. You know, sometimes I read more quickly and without stopping to look up a new word in the dictionary. Then I read for pleasure. But other times I look up a word that may be blocking the meaning and my understanding the sequence of the plot. I mean, I can’t tell you something exclusive I do when reading the novel. At different times I do different things, but the average result is positive, I’d say. Sometimes the main point is enjoying reading the novel, some other times I focus more on grammar and vocab. Something also nice I could tell you is that I also learn or acquire words inadvertently. I mean, I may be devouring pages – more or less – and I can say I’m acquiring words: I use them at other times when they come up to mind in an unaware way: I just can use them because they pop up to mind. I guess reading fiction – als...

3310. Managing the Classroom in a Deep Way

  Some days ago I wrote these notes, “Calling on students in the classroom builds up a structure of discipline and nice classroom management. December 10, 2017.” When the students expect they might be called on and addressed by the teacher they tend to be silent and still. It’s simple but true anyway. And not only when called on randomly but also when addressed in an orderly way. I’ve seen it. Yet I’d like to give it more ample a view. When calling on each student, we want him or her to intervene in the class. We’re involving him or her in the formal conducting of the class, and that counts for much. We teachers expect a lot from them. And we should expect he or she can answer fine. Otherwise we should change and ask something they actually can answer or respond – not always it’s a formal question but we require something from him or her, like carrying out an exercise or any other activity. Coming down to something deeper and more profound, we the teachers expect some...

3309. Are You a Creative Teacher Ultimately?

  I would like all of you to remember that you must be happy. The first goal... and the ultimate one of our classes is for all of us teachers to be happy. And on trying our students also be happy we have to engage our lessons. When I see a teacher that is trying his students would be happy, he more likely may be happy too. I insist on purpose: let’s try and be happy, our students too. And that entails investing our lives on that nice effort. But always remembering that we have also to learn to relax and have our private lives as well. I’ve seen that when a teacher donates himself to his students he more likely may be happy. To be happy here and after this life for everlasting life in heaven. For that we know that we can count on God, we can count on what’s transcendent and spiritual, not less real though. I firmly believe so. Some days ago I wrote, “The value of what is transcendent, spiritual and supernatural. We can count on God. I’m referring to Someone we can’t s...

3308. Near Christmas and Always!

  We teachers have to teach technically well. That’s okay, but let’s keep in mind that the first point we have to meet is treating our students humanly, with respect and affection. For example, can they follow us when teaching in the classroom? If we teach a second or foreign language, can they follow us? Are we teaching that language in a bit higher level than the students’ ones, but not much higher? I know you try to keep all these things, because you’re reading this post, so that means you’re concerned about teaching fine. Remember that the classroom is a learning community: they learn as students and we learn as teachers. Every single day. / Photo from: Classroom Chronicles

3307. Flexible Teachers Teach Better!

  Do you ever get somewhat depressed because the lessons turned out bad? We teachers need to know that the important point about our lessons is the effort we invest in carrying them out well. The result is important but our effort is more important. We have to value the process, not only the result, which sometimes or often depends on our students and other outside circumstances. The same counts for our students. Their grades are important but we have to value their struggle and effort at learning more than just on their grades. And if our lessons don't turn out well, we will invest some more effort, but with serenity and taking into account that they depend not only on us teachers. We will analyze the situation with serenity. / Photo from: Free Library of Philadelphia

3306. Are You a Flexible Teacher?

  I’ve sometimes heard or read that the teacher has to be like an actor himself. I don’t mean he pretends something he doesn’t feel or he behaves and conducts himself hypocritically. Something anyway he will have to do is showing himself with good humor, he may be tired though. Teaching a class has something of being kind of an actor, for instance he has to act before a public, his students. And above anything else he has to direct the lesson. Also he’ll have to be like an orchestra conductor, and I’ve referred to this on some post before. He’ll have to accomplish each student should “play his instrument” at the right time, this is, the teacher will achieve each and every student get the best from himself. And that at the right moment. The teacher has to be like an actor, and get the best from each student, as that goes back to the origin of education: getting the best from inside and directing the way to wisdom, knowledge, skills… happiness in a word. Educating e...

3305. Are You Happy?

  I know you’re a committed teacher. And you should have positive thoughts when facing life and teaching. When the weather – the “interior” weather – is dull, you have to face it joyfully. You may not influence on the exterior world, but you should master your interior life: thoughts, feelings, sentiments… In that way you’ll be able to face life in a nicer way. You must be occupied on issues, on everyday issues, and not just preoccupied or worried about them. Make a nice face when the interior weather is dull. Even learn how to laugh at yourself – in the nice sense of defusing things that get you worried and choked. Face up classes not as an onerous and heavy task to fulfill, but an occasion to make your students, plus their parents and families, plus your colleagues, happier. I do know cases of that nice way of living. I know you’re a committed teacher. / Photo from: man-riding-bike-blue-wall Queerty

3304. How to Quench Anxiety Both Teacher and Students

  Some weeks ago I wrote some notes, as always, “Sense of humor. It helps discipline in the classroom. A correct attitude toward the disruptive lady (at present I teach adults, motivated ones). Mature personality. Positive psychology. Positive thoughts. Reason upon feelings. The teacher is the first person that must be pleased in the classroom. Nice rapport with the students. Lessons should be pleasant, as much as possible. November 20, 2017.” And I have got little else to say. The teacher must be a mature personality. He should have positive thoughts and not get driven away by negative feelings: reason should direct negative feelings and sentiments. / Photo from: Baby-Swimming-Underwater Famlii. The pic may have nothing to do with the post comments, but it is a cute one, isn’t it?

3303. Planning Lessons at a Smart Productive Pace

  I wrote for example on post #3300 that to have one goal for the syllabus or program may be okay. That is not against having more goals in relation to the syllabus, of course! So to have one goal, a general one for each class-group is okay, for the oncoming days. Now when planning the lessons we teachers can bear in mind that general goal we had thought of, and so adjust the activities of that lesson toward that goal. One goal or objective per class-period seems right. Two ones at the utmost respect. In other words we will plan our nice lessons with that general goal at sight, in view. The point is to try to meet our students’ needs and expectations. Plus planning lessons in a smart and productive way. / Photo from: QiGe87 com. The picture is a season one: rainy perhaps, rather cold… in the north hemisphere of our adorable planet, the one we have to take care of and teach our students in that educative direction!

3302. All My Best Wishes to You Teachers!

  Today I’ve sent some wishing Merry Christmas and a happy 2018, by emailing. Why not send you all my readers the same seasons greetings? Here you are, in Spanish, English and German – I adore languages! Os deseo a todos una Feliz Navidad y un magnífico 2018. No os puedo escribir a cada uno y al menos lo hago a todos en general. Pido por vosotros y vuestras familias. Y os encomiendo a la Familia de Nazaret: san José, la Virgen María y el Niño, para que estéis muy cerca de Ellos. Contad con ellos para las cosas de cada día. Y que tengáis un buen arranque de 2018. I entrust you all to my beloved holy Family of Nazareth. They were – and are! – Baby Jesus, his adorable Mom Mary, and his dearest Dad Saint Joseph. To them, and in some way, I consecrate you all, for you to stay close to each one of them, now and in the remaining of 2018. Look, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man! He has taken our flesh to open us Paradise doors! You can turn to him for your everyday things and...

3301. First Is People Then Language

  Learning and acquiring English as a foreign or second language demands an immersion atmosphere in that language, okay. But if our students need some encouraging words in their native language, it’s okay to do it so, in their mother tongue. Also they may need some small laughing, so as to break the ice, and that may be done in the mother language too. First is persons, people, and then language. I mean, things are below people. We need to take care of people above something which is a means – the target language, English in my case. I try to encourage my students, and if I have to do it in Spanish (the mother tongue) also that is correct, I would say. Have a nice weekend! / Photo from: 3plearning