3536. Real Communication in the Classroom through Solving Problems

We second language teachers do wish our students would learn that language, right? 

In my opinion the communicative approach is the best one to teach/learn a language. Even better we could follow a more eclectic approach, by taking from different language-learning methodologies. 

If we want to follow a communicative method we have to create chances for real communication in the classroom. 

As well we could try to implement activities where our students have to carry out diverse tasks. In those tasks the students have to use the second language in order to fulfill those aforesaid tasks. 

In that way they can learn and acquire that tongue: They have the necessity of using the target tongue. 

Thus they will see they are carrying on an activity which is worth to invest their best efforts in: They will feel they are doing worthy and meaningful exercises, and eventually they might get pretty motivated. 

In other words: They will feel the need of real and authentic communication. 

One example of a meaningful activity? 

One of the students can see a picture from a magazine or from a computer. He describes it in the target tongue. His classmates cannot see it but they listen to him. Hence his peers will make up a mental image of the photo. After he has finished the description, the other peers can actually see the picture, and find out how much their mental images suited his description. 

All this also can be done remotely like now we may be still confined at home because of the Covid-19 crisis. Have a nice week. 


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