3550. How to Be a Good Professional: Some Hints

We may be starting a new school year or otherwise soon we will start one. And we want to be good and competent teachers, right? 

In order to be that good teacher we have to devote some time to train ourselves, although we may be hectic. It is a matter to dedicate ten minutes every day, perhaps between two activities. It is a matter to create that habit. 

And that habit I would say is reading. Reading about the discipline we teach and how to teach it, perhaps in the new normality we live in because of the Covid-19 pandemics. 

Among those reads I think we could read literature classics: They were written by some of the best minds across history and they provide with human values every teacher should have. 

Also we could read from other teachers who post and contribute to websites on the Internet. 

As well we need some philosophy: That discipline exists to aid each human being how to live wisely. Always in accordance to human dignity. 

Why should we teachers read deeply? Because we have human beings in our hands and we are educating people who have been entrusted to us by the school families. 

Also because our dear students will ask us human questions and we have to be competent and very human to reply them. And thus also in accordance to their parents, in principle.

Each teacher is a humanist. Also for example doctors must be humanists: When they attend to patients they have to be good at their discipline and very human as well: They deal with everyday pain. 

Thus now that we are about to start a new school year we can make the firm resolution to dedicate ten minutes to our personal development and formation. Have a nice week.


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