3601. Something about the Secret to Learn a Language like English
Learning a language is beautiful. Learning English is so too.
For learning English, which is my case and my dear students’ as well, tentatively you ought to be relaxed.
Well, some sane tension may be okay, for you struggle gently to learn that tongue and put all your strength into action to learn it.
There should be nice rapport between the teacher and his or her students, and in that way these latter ones will learn with some satisfaction.
Alike the students, the learners ought to be aware of the ways they learn, English for example. They are not just exposed to teaching, but they are eager to learn English. They do not attend lessons in a passive way, yet they are so active to learn English. In that way they do achieve to learn it.
They reflect on what they are doing both in the classroom and out of there on their own. They reflect, think of, ponder, meditate about the ways they learn, and tend to better what is susceptible to better and improve.
And their teacher should take advantage of trying to solve communication problems by trying to be understood by his or her students. In other words, he or she will speak in English to solve everyday problems of communication in the classroom. There will be communication in the classroom in English, the target language.
This demands from the students to already have some level of knowledge and some communication competence in English, for example some intermediate level, say B1 or B2.
And how will the teacher stimulate his or her students’ motivation to communicate in English?
One possible way is precisely creating and making up an atmosphere where English is the vehicle language for communication in the classroom.
This school year I'm trying this technique myself in the lessons: for announcements about the lessons logistics I’m trying to give those announcements in the target language. Thus my students will have to use English to understand the points I present.
Some of them already when they want to say something, they do it in English. With likely mistakes, but they communicate in English.
Only if the issue did not get clear for them, will I say the same in our mother tongue, namely Spanish.
The English language teacher should communicate with his or her students in that language. Thus the classroom is kind of a piece of a country where English is spoken. Have a nice day.