3623. How to Become a Better Teacher. Some Proposals, if Useful

 We are starting a new school year, is that right? Or maybe not and we may be at mid-school-year in the earth southern hemisphere. Never mind. It doesn’t matter too much. 

If you are a teacher and wish to be a really good one, and perhaps you’re searching for something useful on this very blog (if possible) or somewhere else, well, I’ll try and help you out. If possible. 

Actually we teachers have to learn from each other. 

Also because we may be wishing to develop as teachers and get a better job as teachers, or just we want to become better professionals. 

So thus let’s learn from other teachers. Furthermore, I would tell you that a novice or an experienced teacher alike should have something in his hands to learn from. As well our students and their families would appreciate. 

Any teacher should have a book which we can learn from. Always. A book to learn from. Or a website to learn from. Or another teacher’s blog to learn from. 

And then each bit we learn as teachers may signify we can teach better. Any chunk we grasp from here or from there on the Web. Our students will for sure appreciate that effort. 

And thus we avoid to get fossilized: we should be learning all the time, although we may be experienced and veteran teachers or even teacher trainers. And we can follow a conference, online maybe. Or learn from YouTube videos about what other teachers do. 

Come on, you can, hop onto this bus toward success and becoming a better professional. And all for serving our students, their families, the school, our nation or country, all the world (as much as possible). Let’s try and ameliorate as teachers. Have a nice day.  


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