426. The primary and unique educators
One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, "The way the parents see work, it's mostly the way the kids will see work. Call on those parents to a tutorial with you. Listen to them, carefully, with an authentic interest. Take mental or written notes about the things they are telling you. Nod. Paraphrase. Intently I repeat, with a warm concerning, not as a hole technique. If you learn how his or her parents see the kid's education, how they may be merely repeat that the kid has to study, has to do his homework... Be wide with those parents: make friends with them, suggest things a teacher your kind knows about studying, speak about his brothers ansd sisters, his gang and friends, the amount of time he spends in his room contacting through Tuenti or any other social network, what is inside his mind, what he says, what he doesn't, any possible eccentric behavior lately, what he drinks and smokes... in no way is this police-like controlling. It's the love both parents and teacher have to that adolescent." / Photo from www celini 5 region cl