3544. Do Our Students Have Liberty in the Classroom and Online?
I have written a lot on classroom behavior management. Angela Watson and Robyn Jackson also have and very interesting stuff indeed.
There should be rules in the classroom. Yes indeed. And we teachers have to distinguish between possible teenager disruption and disrespectful attitudes, which these later ones have always to be cut off in the classroom, with prudence and tact, without humiliating and shaming the kids. Concerning mere disruption, sometimes we have to cut off, some other times it is not essential.
These are some ideas you can find on Angela Watson’s blogs, namely on https://thecornerstoneforteachers.com/truth-for-teachers-podcast/respond-rude-disrespectful-student-attitudes/
Yet and at the same time we have to educate our dear students on liberty. Why? Because man and woman ARE free persons. Basically and deeply so. And the student has to learn how to administer his or her liberty.
Once I was surprised because my school’s assistant principal told me something curious when I told him that I had told off some students who had been chattering in one of my classes.
He told me – the admin I mean – something like, Yes ok but your students have to be free in the classroom. They have to behave themselves but also and at the same time they keep being free as human persons THEY ARE.
The main role of a teacher’s is helping the kids’ parents and families in their education mission, okay, and the teacher has a subsidiary role at helping and serving and assisting at that education.
And the kid in the classroom has to learn how to administer his or her freedom.
Also that student has to learn how to do something very human, which is how to love.
I’m referring to love of benevolence: the human person’s main feature is loving others with that kind of love, which entails seeking what is good for other people, also that person has to learn how to love God. The human person has been created to love God and to love other people.
Some of these ideas
also are taken from expert Carlos Cardona from his Ética del quehacer educativo, which book I’m reading now. The title
means something like Ethics at Educating. Have a nice week, my dear reader.