3627. True Love and Deference Towards Our Students

 We have already started the new school year and some lessons may have been taught. 

One of the most important points for a group-class and their teacher is there should be nice rapport amongst them. The teacher seriously has to be an authority reference in the classroom, and at the same time he or she will get their dear students in his or her pocket. 

That teacher will seriously try and get them immersed into the lesson. 

In order to achieve that, he has to address each student by his or her name, all with affection and interest, real interest in each one of them. 

Out of the classroom he will talk with his students yet he will not be their buddy. 

You accomplish all that by treating each student with respect, interest, affection, deference, seriousness. Affection with prudence plus without being a simple buddy to them. 

And in a foreign language class he will try to get their learners plunged and immersed into English or whatsoever the target language is. Then at that time the vehicular language for communication in the classroom is English, although some things and announcements and instructions may be conveyed in their common mother language, if the case. Later on more things can be said in English. 

If the teacher himself demands from himself a clear and strict attitude to commit himself to his students, he will therefore and subsequently transmit and pass on seriousness towards work and some work which is well done. In principle. 

If the teacher works hard, more likely his students will work hard too. Over time and with patience, above all if the group-class is difficult and tough. 

On the contrary, if the teacher’s attitude to his work is lukewarmness, well then the only thing he will accomplish to transmit and pass on is more lukewarmness. 

Finally that committed teacher will also try to get the most from each student, in as much as possible. He may have large group-classes, yet if he gets interested in each student, he will do a big good to them, he’ll gain their respect and lessons will be carried out more smoothly. 

Experience will do the rest. Have a nice day, my fellow readers. Oh, and that teacher will plan his lessons with their students in mind and heart. 


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