3653. Let's Make Our Students Think and Learn to Think

 Do our dear students ever think? I gave that title to a previous post, remember? 

And the point is that we as teachers have to teach our students to think, to engage their brains, to learn also how to study and learn. 

They have to get the most from their textbook: thus we have to teach them to study. 

As well we can elicit what they do for studying their textbook, so their classmates will learn new and sound ways to study, perhaps. 

By the way, at many schools and in some countries they are starting to think that… it’s better for the students to have a paper book than a tablet. 

Ok, let’s proceed. 

We teachers also have to make them think: we oughtn’t to give all the stuff too much digestible: they have to learn to study and draw their own conclusions. 

Something we may implement in class is to think with them. I mean, you know, the teacher can think aloud and so his or her dear students will see how to think. 

Even something I do with my adult students is, when setting some homework at the end of the class, I let them choose some aspects of how and what to do with those pieces of homework, ok? 

At the same time they have to read books or graded readers in English at their own pace, at home. Read, read, read. The book they just decide to read. 

I guess that with all this way of making them think they’ll become a bit more of autonomous learners, and that hits the jackpot. I again wish all of you a happy 2024.


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