1253. Refreshing in a summer camp

Teacher B said to teacher A, “We have finished the summer camp of English. 

Awesome. We had two classes. There were two native English teachers. 

I was going to each classroom and picked up one student to talk with him in English, in my office. Thus, the kids had more chances to practice speaking. 

I’ve noticed that intuition has been something important here. I asked one of the teachers if I could pick up one student. At those times all the students understood what we both teachers were speaking about. Obviously they knew I had come in to pick up one student. Anyway, there was some intuition by the kids concerning what the teacher and I were talking about. 

In few words, intuition is some part of the language: it helped them understand what was going on, albeit the students’ level of English could be low.” / Photo from: www ntscblog com


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