1279. How to get the most from textbooks
Teacher A said to
teacher B, “Sometimes students do not like their course book and workbook.
English evidently is different from other subjects. The students do not know
how to deal with their course book.
It is a pity, for a lot of effort has been
invested in creating that course book.
The students do not know how to get the
most from that book. There are a lot of pictures with pretty girls and texts
with different formats and types of characters or letters.
They do not know how
to study the subject of English. And here we teachers of English are the ones
that can help a lot.
Have your students (the first days of the new academic
year) get to know in what way the different activities are presented. And this
or that activity is of listening because of the listening icon.
All these
things should be obvious, but reality says they are not. So, teach your
students to deal with the books, also for them to do activities on their own,
and read texts, etc.” / Photo from: learnenglishlanguagecapetownlessons com