1267. A beautiful story, tentatively

The two teachers’ story is simple, but nice. 

The thing was that she passed the “Oposiciones” (an exam to pass to become a national public teacher in Spain), and she was not given the post though. She claimed at the right state organization. 

There some five years passed until the trial judges gave her a positive verdict. She was very capable of becoming a science teacher, and she was given the post in the end. A few of the academic trials she had spent during those years were corrupt. Not everybody of teacher examiners. 

She was given a post at about 100 kilometers from home. Anyway, here we have her, a brave girl. Phew! She got the post at a high school of the province of Córdoba; you know, the corresponding school kind in Spain. 

Oh my! The beginnings of teaching were full dire straits for her. She was close to cry sometimes. After classes, she headed for the staff common room. 

One day she was looking down there, at that common place for teachers. Anyway, no one paid attention or went to ask her what was going on. 

One male teacher, a rookie himself too, saw her. She was looking down, through one of the windows. The day was gray and rainy. 

The other teachers were chattering or planning classes. He addressed her, and tactfully he got a valuable information about her sorrows. This situation or a similar one occurred often. 

They got more and more intimacy when talking. And there they are – and now she is expecting the first kiddie. They married at a church in his town, after attending the pre-marriage doctrinal classes. Have I invented this story? Partially? Is it similar to my own story? Inspired at least? / Photo from: writing wikinut com CMS-when-it-is-raining...!!!   


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