# 9. One game that facilitates communication
I will show you many helpful games that foster and boost speaking in the class. I was thinking of the one that my students like most. Maybe, what they call "The teacher". One group of my students are aged 10 to early 12. They adore this game. They hammer my mind in the class claiming for this game. It's so simple, but very communicative. One of them acts out as if he was the teacher. First we draw staws for, toss for the potential teacher, for example, they guessing one number from 1 to 10. And that's it. I give the chalk or the marker to him, and he comes forward. The "teacher" leads the class for some minutes. He only can speak English (broken English anyway) and sets games for his "students", etc., making them participate. I assure you I have had, we have had real fun. Just try and see. / Picture from www.universitiesireland.ie