196. Finding success, if necessary, in the Moon
"Sometimes people fail to learn a foreign language simply because they don't know how to learn a foreign language. They walk into the classroom and expect to study a language as they would study history or economics. Well, you can't do that with a language. Learning a language requires a complex set of skills that involves your whole self - your emotional self, thinking self, and physical self. It's a skill that involves a special blend of positive attitude, concentration, effort, and relaxation."
This is a quotation from H. D. BROWN (1989) A Practical Guide to Language Learning. A Fifteen-Week Program of Strategies for Success. New York: McGraw-Hill.
When I began my doctorate I came accross this scholar and this book: a happy beginning, believe me.
jamillan com, thank you for the picture. Captain Haddock returning from the Moon, a hazardous adventure. But he stumbled with a cable... on the Earth.