199. He can't do all you would expect from him
The teacher trainer/coach told me,
"Bear in mind that your students must be capable and able to do the exercises of their coursebook, because you and your students have worked out a grammar pattern, long, adequately in the class-periods, you know?
You cannot expect, demand them to do an exercise well, if you, as a class-group, have not worked that grammar pattern in the class-periods.
They can do just what you as a group have studied and learned in the classroom.
Many times I find students, in my academy, who actually can't complete, do their exercises because they haven't worked out that grammar pattern sufficiently in the classroom."
Rompetechos (literally it means ceiling-breaking) is a comics character, popular in Spain when I was a kid. Typically he is absolutely absent-minded, naive, with a serious poor sight. Picture taken from adn es. Thank you.