335. Listen to the other part
One day teacher B said to teacher A, "Listen to the student you have to reprimand. Listen before you say anything. Ask him first. If they are several, talk with them apart. - Listen to what the student tells you. Listen attentively and trying to put in his shoes, albeit the thing he did is wrong and you must denounce the thing. Try to understand, don't give him a row, don't tell him off directly. Let him recognize and realize the wrong. Make an educative process out of this conversation. Keep cool. Don't reprimand the very same day of committing the action or omission. Let one day or a few pass. When speaking with the student, ask him what he thinks is correct, make him think, make him give a reasonable answer, peacefully. You win more with an affective word than with a long quarrel. Maybe don't smile when talking with him, as if the wrong thing would have no importance." Photo thanks to www old-picture com