2077. Preventing our kids from crime

There are signals at adolescence that we teachers and parents ought to be in alert, and which ones could lead our teens to delinquency and crime, in the worst of cases. 

Compulsive violence, 
bad manners, 
small stealing of money at home, 
stealing at department stores, 
alcohol and drugs, 
bad companies… 

We educators should prevent and foresee all this when the kid is younger. The thing depends on the class or layer of society where he lives mostly. 

We have to be patient and affective, and gently scrap on their most inside parts of his conscience, with his permission and in a friendly mode. Always, as I said, and this is important, by counting on him, and talking with him as an adult, as someone we’re interested in. 

We have to propose small targets of values: helping out at home, 
honesty and sincerity, 
working hard, 
earning some money to aid the family, 
prayer at the chapel, 
visits to the Eucharist, etc. / Photo from: father_son_haircut dexacor com


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