3491. Enjoy Teaching, No Matter What!
I knew a teacher,
a modest one but prone to improve his work day-after-day, who used to think
before a regular work day, “Okay I’m going to school to work on English as a
second language, together with my students.”
Instead of choking himself before
a hard teaching day, he used to think he was going to work side by side with
his students.
He was going to do his best at work, day after day. He thought
not only that he was going to teach (of course!), but also to work with his
students at English, with a content-based instruction (CBI), not talking about just
He liked teaching, yes he did, but preferred to think that he was
going to pass on and transmit his like for that language to his students. He did
so because he felt some straining and strength-draining effort at teaching.
He liked
teaching but in some way that effort was superior to him and somehow
overwhelmed him. He preferred to think that side by side he would work with his
students. And he’d do that as a teacher, not as their buddy, of course!
In that
way he felt more relaxed in the classroom battle. He would so dedicate one hour
after another to deal with some English-learning aspects, together with his
students. And over time he achieved to pass on and transmit his passion to
those learners. It was like discovering a new dimension! However, remember that he was the teacher, and he felt so, all the time. Have a nice weekend.