3492. Getting Enthused Students in the Classroom: Some Hints

One teacher used to be so involved and committed within the lesson that he transmitted and passed on his interest to his dear students. 

I wrote that sentence some days ago, still in April. And it could be something real in the lives of many teachers. Maybe in yours too, for some of my readers are good teachers. 

We may have behavior problems in the classroom, but bear in mind that if you get so committed in the lessons you will likely win the “game” ultimately and your students will better as students and thoroughly as persons and citizens. Also because you may be seeking to get to know your students more and more. 

Our students may be kids or adults, but if we teach and work from our very interior being, we will likely transmit and pass on our interest in our school subject to our dear students. 

Remember what I told you on the previous post: We attend each class as a work session about that subject together with our students. We therefore try to introduce our students into the A to Z of that subject. 

I said that we may be teaching from our interior being: also let’s not forget that we have to seek to teach with a very deep and growing technical improving. Because of that we will also read what other teachers carry out in their classrooms, perhaps on a teaching blog or website, like the one of the British Council.


Fernando Díez Gallego said…
This is just for testing the comments thing.

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