276. The correct target
One day teacher B said to teacher A, "My advice about the syllabus or planning of an academic year? I'll let you know just one point. Besides planning the units, procedures, objectives, activities, tests and the kind, oh, and the points the department of English obliges you to implement, think of one key objective: have fun with your students and help them in oral activities, I mean, above all practice speaking in English, with sense of humor and the firm resolution to make your students as happy as possible. Let hem feel loved really by you. Why oral activities mainly? A lot of adults tell me they studied English or French when at the school, but they have not learned English or French: they did many exercises and grammar but they can't speak in those languages."
John Ford, somehow the inventor of Westerns, directed The Searchers, released in 1956, starring John Wayne. This latter star got boosted by this film: it was the one that got him reckoned as an actor with a nice future. The tiltle in Spanish is Centauros del desierto.