397. He will likely see the fruit
One day teacher A said to teacher B, "You've asked me for a class planning of mine, so as to have one example of my classes. Here you go.
These notes are for a regular day of my schedule: they may be not the best-thought ones, just one class at random. I've written them briefly, as a prompt for myself: behind are years of experience and battle.
In no way do they show exhaustive notes of the class planning.
The main goal of the current course is some craic in the classroom: practicing listening and speaking - it's an extra-curricular course. Kids 11 and 12 year-old. One hour approx."
1. Learning their names.
2.Tell them "I do not understand Spanish at this time..." [So they've got to say their messages however they can]
3. Competition. Two players. Topic: means of transportation.
4. Competition. All the class vs me! Topic their choice.
5. Revise alphabet.
6. Hangman. Clue: objects in this room. DICTIONARY. BOOKCASE. TRASH CAN. ATLAS.
7. Dictionary competition. The kids who find the given words (3) are the winners.
9. Hangman with words. THE SWAT SQUAD BROKE INTO THE HOUSE OF THE MAFFIA, IN GLANDALE [I write the words scrambled on the whiteboard].
10. Simon says. Also one volunteer acts out as the teacher.
11. Describing pictures by me [From National Geographic. They just listen, they cannot see the picture; follow-up questions. I show them the picture].
12. One student describes one picture [from NG too]. / Photo from www lavozdigital es cadiz