406. The coursebook as an ingredient

Hello Mima, welcome to my blog; well, mine and, in some way, of my followers'. If you would please say something else about you, I'd appreciate it. With all my respect toward you. I've found out just a bit about you.

One day teacher B said to teacher A, "So far, we've talked a lot about loads of things we can implement in the class, right, but what can I do with the expensive coursebooks my students bought?".

And teacher A replied, "All the stuff said here, on this blog, is targeted toward making your learners learn English, right? The coursebook is an aid. Your discernment plus your increasing experience will tell you, for sure, how and how not utilize the coursebook. The stuff said here is completely compatible with using the coursebook. Just one example: take the grammar pattern of Unit 2, and make the students use and interiorize that grammar pattern according with the posts where I wrote about 'learning verbal tenses' or with a similar title." - Oh, sorry, I forgot it: the pic is from www beekmann net . Excuse me, Mima, the picture you attached as a follower is not clear at all. If please any explanation. Thank you!


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