562. People in our hands
I have found a text that may be of interest to teachers and college professors. The American Association of University Professors published, in Norms that govern the Professoriate (AAUP bulletin, 1968), a series of conclusions concerning teachers’ duties and moral compromises. It puts, “To ask questions of what professors as professors should and should not do invites at the outset, to the consideration of our ideals and our special conception of our work and our committments. It further invites appraisal of the relevant issue of choice in terms of those ideals and committments.” All of this appears in WANJIRU GICHURE, Christine (1999) La ética de la profesión docente. Estudio introductorio a la deontología de la educación. Pamplona: Eunsa. On page 109. It is a research work. I hope it as well be interesting to you teacher. / Photo from: supergol com