837. Hopefully shedding some light to your classes
One day teacher of
English A said to teacher of English B, “One way to avoid your classes be a
boredom or something of mere routine can be this. Look. For example, tomorrow
in your class you can do something different: ask your teens, or either your adult
students, what strategies or techniques they use for learning English: for
learning new words, for retrieving them, for defining things, for understanding
what you say, what they read… At that moment you can be smiling, and this
question is like a challenge to them: What do you think about the way you
understand me, and about this and that, etc. – so what learning strategies you
utilize in the class of English to learn it.
They likely will participate and
this fact will push others to say more things about this topic – learning strategies.
In this way as well they may become aware that they do use tricks or small
inadvertent techniques when dealing with language and communication in the
First try to bring out this discussion in English; try this
discussion be in the target language.
This discussion, about ‘serious’ and
realistic things they actually do in the classes can help them become conscious
they’re investing a big and nice effort in daily learning and using English,
because it’s something useful and practical.
Summing up: try to bring up some
humor, positive views about learning English, the usefulness of learning a
language for authentic communication, some joy, some kind of stirring up their
brains… Hopefully they’ll appreciate all this conducting in that class. Or
they’ll do with passing time.
Students expect much from you, though they can
show all the contrary in the classes. This kind of activities provide more
sense and meaning to the classes, as though they thought ‘Okay, we used to do useful
and meaningful things in the subject of English’. Remember, do something lively
out of the daily class routine.” / Photo from: mainedoenews net. teacher and
student talking in class.