482. Communication is so necessary sometimes

I published the following post on a former blog of mine. It was composed on October 31, 2007. I have changed some words and expressions. This post may show some insight of the learner. I’ve left some peculiar style, on purpose.

The teacher will try to promote in his/her student the attitude to learn vocabulary, by talking with him or her, so that this student will become cheerful to find out how to say more things in English, to communicate with native speakers or practice new things with his or her teacher in the class. The teacher will try to create necessities to communicate new things in the class. It's like a game. A friend of mine is all the time eager to communicate with English-speaking people. Once we were in a plane of the British Airways, and at once he politely tried to speak with the flight-attendants. This Spanish person is willing to always learn new words. A person like that, with such an attitude, is the kind of person that wins the war of learning a language.

/ Photo: welcome-to-the-sticks-bienvenue-chez-les-ch’tis-4 thecia com au. A funny French movie. Released in 2008. Dany Boon, a French humorist actor is one of the protagonists. The film is in French and in Ch’ti; the latter one is a dialect of French.

Le film raconte les aventures de Philippe Abrams, directeur d’une agence de La Poste dans le sud de la France qui, par mesure disciplinaire, est muté pour une durée de deux ans à Bergues, dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais. » From Wikipedia.


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