485. A worksheet

A worksheet for my students.

Benvenuta, Laura, ti ringrazio diventare sostrenitice dil nostro blog (scusi se io sonno commettito cualche errore; ho studiato italiano nella mia facoltà, a Siviglia, ma molti anni prima).

As you can see their level is very low. But they are learning, thanks to God. This current school year one of the students – the only one I have - and I speak all the time in English, the half hour of the class-period. I “don’t understand” Spanish, so he’s got to tell me the things however he can do. I make faces, trying to understand him. I catch the words he says, and make out what he means. It’s funny, because he “invents” some words; if they are too similar to Spanish ones, I keep on not understanding him, and ask him to carry on to explain his message.

I composed the sheet below for the private use in the small group then (3?), yet I didn’t write the source sites. Anyway, these pictures appear on previous posts. Sorry for the formatting bugs – this is a Word document and I’m trying to copy and paste it on this new post. In question 3, I wrote “Cono”; it’s a school subject: Conocimiento del Medio; about natural science, geography and social matters.

Worksheet nº 98

Written on Wednesday, 14 April 2010


1. General culture quiz. True or false?

a. Romans made many buildings in Spain (Hispania): bridges, theatres, circuses, aqueducts, temples, roads.

b. Muslims arrived in Spain in 1492.

c. America was discovered in 1492.

d. The Internet is a military invention.

e. Elephants are the unique animal which can’t jump.

2. What are the meanings of these words?

a. Tomboy A commnado of soldiers

b. Defence Money I have in a bank

c. Squad Action of repelling an attack

d. Bank account A girl who acts like a boy

3. Correct the errors.

a. In 2005 I had 6 years.

b. Most of my friends has skates.

c. She are making dinner.

d. I have an exam of ‘Cono’ on Wednesday.

4. Unscramble:



5. Match: humour, Niagara Falls, history

(I'm sorry, I gave up, I could not paste the three pictures. Anyway, they are The Parliament with The Big Ben tower, Buster Keaton putting his head into a cannon on a railroad car, and Niagara Falls).


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