912. Stay calm with your young kids

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “With your young children, 6 to 9 years approximately, shift and change the activities every 5 or 10 minutes, maximum 15.

Otherwise they will get anxious and it’ll be harder to keep peace and calm in the classroom. Have them stand up from time to time, or have a jumpier student to stand up and move with an aim, like instructions, ‘Stand up and and touch the frame of a window’.

Combine crosswords, playing with plasticine, repetition as a chorus, games, puzzles, putting the words of a sentence into the correct order. Combine the four skills of language: listening, saying something, reading something from the chalkboard, copying that in their notebooks.

Don’t think those classes are a mess: both you and they’re learning to behave inside a classroom and with the typical discipline of a classroom – with things like raising someone’s hand to say something.” / Photo from: catspictures net. KidCat  


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