1003. How to get a good atmosphere among teachers

Teacher A said to teacher B, “How to obtain a good and nice atmosphere among teachers? 

The first thing, if you’re a Catholic, is the sacrament of penance, the sacrament of confession. I have taught classes where the students worked better, among other things because they had confessed with the priest. It was nice to work with those kids. On the other hand I have taught classes where the students lived in the condition of mortal sins and those classes were harsh to teach. God’s grace helps a lot. 

More things. If there’s empathy, more likely teachers will treat one another better. 

Another thing is that we have the capability of working as a team. One teacher is the leader and the others learn to work as a team and actually they achieve to work as a team. 

Another clue: the principal and his team get really interested in the workers. 

Another clue: just smile. 

Another clue: all the teachers together carry out the school as something of their own. They feel protagonists.” / Photo from: windows7helpdesk com. training development.   


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