1055. To talk with parents? Just essential
Teacher A said to teacher B, “At tutoring sessions
with parents and families (elder siblings for example) you can make them find
out things about the kid they did not know.
As well you can learn things about
the kid out of the school, things that you did not know.
It’s better if you all
can sit at ease in a small lounge of the school. It’s essential for both dad
and mom to attend the tutorial, if the case. As I said, you can get helpful information to
assist the student.
You might attend the meeting with things thought and even
some written notes. However it could be more important to listen to them, and
to their worries and concerns. Empathy here is important – between both parts. Even
more, with experience you’ll connect with them. It’ll be a natural
conversation. You’ll suffer with them and you’ll rejoice with their joys.” / Photo
from: besteducationpossible blogspot com