19. Oh, I forgot it: communication!
So, a few days ago we arrived at the point that we knew that truth is in God. So what?
We have to descend to everyday teaching, Fernando.
Ok, ok, ok, let's see. We have to live, to be coherent, with that thruth. Everybody is called by God to become... saints. Not less.
However, this seems so idealistic. It's impossible for me. Me, a saint? No way, man.
We can, with God's grace, with his help... and our loving him and struggling to be a bit better on and on.
And when we fall, let's go to the sacrament of penance, of joy, of peace.
Go to a church. Speak to Him. He is in the eucharist, in the tabernacle. Be honest with him: open your heart to him, tell him about you. Silently. He is awaiting for you.
And there will arise communication. I assure you. Ask Alec Guinness.
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