29. Spelling is paramount

Writing English words sheer well.

You know this is so important.

Start revising--or teaching! the alphabet, written on the BB or WB.

They reply chorus-like the sequencing of the letters.

Then, at random, point at such and such letter, and they say it.

At some of them there will arise a confusion: it's the right time to set the sound clear. It is somehow fun.

G, J, K, Q, B, V, X, Y are some combative letters.

Next activity you can do. One student comes to the blackboard and copies two words you spell to him.

Oh, also A, I, E, are other easily confused sounds.

Also an extra student can spell the words the first student has written.

Or play Hangman. About a topic you are concerned with.

Or one student acts out as though he was the teacher.

rollercoaster photo from arenaflowers.btradespace.com


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