25. A fantastic game
They everyday ask me to play "Simon says", a well-known game, very fun, and funny.
They have fun, and me as well: we get more team-like, and laugh together.
It suits kids up to 12 years.
Try to confuse them, to take them on. It's so simple: if you say "Simon says" plus an instruction, they have got to do it. If you get to say an insrtruction, when a bit of confusion is raised, and someone does the action "required", he or she is eliminated... because you didn't say "Simon says".
Pretty soon, they themselves are the ones that get snap and tell John he is eliminated, for they try to stay on, to win, to get their classmates eliminated.
Several interesting topics of vocabulary may be practiced: parts of the body, actions, chains of actions, one student acts out as if she was the teacher herself.
Even sometimes I myself am one more player.